Have you tried numerous diets but they all failed? It's not your fault! One size does not fit all. Nutrition can be so confusing and constantly changing. One minute something is good for you and the next it's not, not to mention we all require different nutrients. I have worked one on one and in small groups for over 30 years now. I'm excited to present the Fit Mind n Body Well World Programs App. This is a journey of self discovery and living life activated. We have different online coaching programs that cater to different needs such as low sugar, vegetarian, autoimmune paleo reset, cardiometabolic, clean eating, elimination, kept, mediterranean, GERD support, Low FODMAP, Adrenal support, cleanse programs, thyroid support or just a food tracking program with online coaching. Your health devices can also be tracked on the Well World App. Each program is slightly different. They help us to disconnect from food and remove inflammatory foods from our lifestyle. In general you will be removing gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweetener, processed foods and caffeine from most of the programs. Some programs do contain dairy or grains, just depends on the program. I know what you are thinking, "What's left to eat?" There is plenty left to eat. This journey is all about giving your body a break and nourishing it with goodness as well as learning how your body feels with different types of food. This is not a starvation program, you are NOT suppose to be hungry. After your journey, we will reintroduce one inflammatory food at a time to see if you have a sensitivity to it. It's important to know what causes our ailments. Message me to explore what option is best for you.
What: Download the Well World App and I will invite you to join with the desired program. You will receive your program which includes, a meal plan, recipes, shopping list, recommended supplements and daily inspiration.
Cost: The App is free. The month of coaching with the program is $100.
Where: If you are local, you can weigh in at 4591 Longley Lane #18, Reno, NV 89502
Please email me at fitmindnbody@gmail.com to set up a time to discuss what program is best for you. If you decide to move forward, you can Venmo me the fee at Brandi-Geiger You will have access to me at all times through texting or emailing.
Follow our Fit Mind n Body Facebook page for more tips, motivation, and program discussions. You can also Like/Follow us on our public Fit Mind n Body Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages
Please consult with your doctor before starting any type of nutrition and exercise program
We pick up where therapy and training leaves off. Personal training plus pain relief equals no down time. Our clients never have to cancel their training sessions due to injuries. We switch to pain relief and injuries protocols instead of training sessions when injuries occur. We keep clients moving forward.
The ARP POV Sport is a revolutionary, electrical stimulation device that uses advanced technology to facilitate health, performance and restoration. Unlike other performance or recovery machines, the ARP POV Sport allows the body's systems to respond more efficiently to work. The ARP POV Sport facilitates incredible strengthening and recovery abilities allowing the user to gain greater physical results in shorter periods of time. The ARP POV Sport is the ultimate performance enhancement tool to help make you stronger and faster in less time. It possesses specifications and characteristics that are not found in any conventional, neuromuscular electrical Stimulator (interferential, microcurrent, galvanic, Russian stim, iontophoresis). The ARP POV Sport uses direct current (DC) compounded with a high frequency, double exponential, patented background waveform. This background wave is harmonious with the body. This significantly reduces skin and fatty tissue impedance, thus allowing much deeper penetration of the direct current without troublesome side effects such as skin burning. The unique waveform, produced by the ARP POV Sport, creates minimal protective muscle contractions allowing active range of motion during training. This permits eccentric (lengthening) contractions to occur. These lengthening contractions are critical to elite training results. We lengthen to strengthen and rebalance the musculature of joints.
The ARP POV Sport protocols are approved for the following uses:
Customize Workouts,
Stimulate Training,
Improve Strength,
Improve Speed,
Improve Power,
Improve Endurance,
Increase Muscle,
Decrease Bodyfat,
Recover Faster,
Reduce Fatigue and
Reduce Injury
When training the human body, it reacts in both productive and non-productive ways. The ARP POV Sport allows the body to work more efficiently to eliminate these non-productive responses, as well as break compensation patterns.
Increased blood flow, Production of reparative cells, and Remodeling of tissue. Speeds the healing process.
Soreness, Brain turns on muscles to “protect”,
Compensation patterns created, Pain from inappropriate muscle activity and Compensation patterns imprinted preventing normal function. Traditionally, athletes have followed the standard training progression below:
1. Warm Up / Stretch
2. Train
3. Cool Down / Stretch
4. Recover
The ARP POV Sport facilitates efficient training and recovering simultaneously. This is achieved by rapidly contracting and elongating muscles teaching the body that with every muscle contraction there must be an equal velocity and load elongation of its antagonistic muscle. This generates increased strength, increased speed, increased joint and limb mobility, increased blood flow, reduced inflammation, and decreased recovery time.
Application of the ARP POV Sport allows all involved muscles to turn on and turn off rapidly identifying compensation patterns. POV current is applied to stimulate an “overload” of those muscles to produce a subsequent detraining of the compensation patterns. Correct motor patterns are reestablished eliminating the imprinting of nonproductive compensation patterns. The combination of this detraining, along with the other unique effects of the ARP POV Sport, results in accelerated recovery and performance. We will guide you through a program that will develop strength, increase endurance, and flexibility. You can now workout even if you have injuries with the help of the ARP POV's direct current that will ease your pain while you workout. We ensure that your workouts don't get repetitive or boring. We believe that exercise has to be fun, along with working smart, in order to stick with the program and reap the rewards of your efforts. We will work together and combine weights, cardio, and nutrition to give you optimum results.
Workout one-on-one or with a friend.
*1 hour training sessions: $100 (Partner training does not include the ARP)
12 Week FMB Detox, Reset, & Healthy Lifestyle Commitment Program Includes
*Personal training with the ARP Wave POV 2 times a week with Bemer after your session
*One of those sessions is a Trigger Point Rolling Instruction which includes the rolling kit
*FMB Metabolic Reset Program which includes products for the 12 weeks to clean up your toxic overload, reset your metabolism, and help you learn to live a healthy lifestyle in order to reach your goals. So think about what your why is before we talk.
What is Bemer?
BEMER is about changing the way we think about our health, about challenging our understanding of the human body, and about empowering us to reach optimal physical condition. Blood flow plays a critical role in our general health. BEMER stimulates healthy muscles to improve and facilitate muscle performance. This stimulation temporarily improves local blood circulation — all in just 8 minutes twice a day! For more than 20 years, the benefits of BEMER have impacted millions of people around the world. BEMER is an FDA cleared consumer medical device that is non-invasive and easy to use.
The Bemer Difference!
BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation. BEMER is an FDA Class II cleared consumer medical device that, during an 8-minute session, sends a low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field to the body in order to safely stimulate healthy muscles which temporarily enhances local blood flow, resulting in better disbursement of oxygen within the target tissues while supporting the elimination of CO2. Additional benefits from regular use of BEMER may include reduced stress, improved relaxation, optimized physical performance, enhanced muscle conditioning and physical fitness, and a better overall feeling of wellbeing.
Click Here to learn more about how Bemer can benefit you at home!
Call today for an appointment to feeling better!
Our bodies detox continuously as a natural function. Its only when our detox mechanisms become overloaded that the process becomes less efficient and symptoms may occur. Toxins may be intermal or external in origin. Pollution or pesticides in our food source put undue stress on our detox organs, the kidneys and liver. Improper digestion and imbalanced gut ecology provide internal forms or toxins in the way of metabolic by-products stemming from certain bacteria which have toxic side effects and therefore impact negatively on overall health and wellness by compromising detox pathways.
It's been suggested that toxic overload contributes to more serious conditions such as auto-immune diseases, inflammatory diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and neurological disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. The goal of this program is to gently and slowly cleanse your body of toxins that add an extra burden so serious diseases like these can be avoided. This program should turn your liver into a healthy, cleansing machine.
Symptoms which may be relieved by following a detox program include:
Digestive problems, bad breath, fatigue, irritability, general malaise, constipation, headaches, itchy skin, skin rashes, joint pain, weight loss resistance and poor concentration.
What a carefully planned detoxification program can offer you:
Anti-aging effects, clearer skin and eyes, increased productivity, greater motivation and creativity, weight loss and reduction of allergic symptoms.
Mental Detoxification:
The cleansing of our mind of negative thought patterns is essential to health and physical detoxification and can aid in this process.
Emotionally, detoxification helps us uncover and express hidden frustration, anger, resentments and fear and replace them with forgiveness, love, joy and hope.
Detoxification is a continuous physiologic process that your body depends on for survival. There are complex cellular detoxification mechanisms that are constantly at work for you all day, every day. Natural and synthetic chemicals are processed by this complex system of cells, organs, and organ systems to keep you healthy in the face of a virtually constant barrage of toxic material. Our program is an excellent tool to improve your detoxification in the short term. Then following the completion of the program, stay clean by taking Protandim Nrf2 (order on the LifeVantage Online Store-I get the Ultimate Stack for total health).
Other tools to a healthy lifestyle includes high intensity interval exercise, skin brushing for lymphatic drainage, clean water, colon hydrotherapy, Bemer PEMF, avoiding microwave ovens and plastics.
Click Here to Order your 14 or 21 day VegeCleanse or PurePaleoClenase Kit at the Designs for Health Online Wellness Center Store.
Please email me at fitmindnbody@gmail.com for the 7 day Reset Program and Recommended Products.
Buy Organic, The Dirty Dozen
Celery, apples, bell peppers, kale/collard greens, peaches, blueberries, spinach, potatoes, strawberries, nectarines, cherries and grapes.
Safe Non-Organic Choices
If on a budget or if you can't get many organic foods, the following are safe to purchase non-organic:
onions, mangos, avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, kiwi, asparagus, sweet peas, cabbage, eggplant, watermelon, grapefruit, sweet potato, honeydew melon.
Foam rollers have been around for many years now. RAD Rolling Self Massage Therapy Tools are made with a specially designed material to conform to the muscle instead of collapsing like a tennis ball or being too hard like a baseball or lacrosse ball which could cause more harm than good. We will walk you through exercises starting at your feet and working our way up to your neck. Self Myofacsia therapy is a noninvasive therapeutic modality for the relief and control of myofascial pain and dysfunction. The goal is to help with eliminating myofascial pain, improving recovery time and prevention of injury. It is designed to address the sport specific injuries associated with running, cycling and swimming. A session consist of self myomassage and passive stretching. Success may be measured subjectively by the level of pain reduction you experience and objectively through increased range of motion, strength, endurance and improved recovery time.
60 minute one-on-one session for $100 or 90 minute small group session available for $150.
Total Body Kits (good for everybody-includes a link for videos of exercises) $140 plus tax,
Recovery Balls $25.00 plus tax
The Roller Roller (connected balls) $24.99 plus tax.
If you do not live near my office, Click Here receive $5 off when you can order online.
These are magical and worth every penny! Also offering Corporate Wellness Programs to educate your employees on proper poster and how to avoid carpel tunnel, back and neck issues.
It's common knowledge that corporate wellness programs promote a healthy lifestyle and reduces costs of missed work and increases productivity. We partner with companies, fire and police departments to educate their employees about the following:
*Nutrition: to reduce inflammation, increase health and decrease disease
*Myofacial release to decrease everyday pain, balance musculature, and improve posture which leads to increased productivity and less missed days.
*Treating the Cause, Not the Symptom: Identifying the cause of pain. Fixing people's pain that leads to missed days at work and decreased productivity.
Let us know if we can help your employees feel their best and produce at their best for you.
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